
Meghan and harry magi astrology
Meghan and harry magi astrology

meghan and harry magi astrology

What deal (Ceres, symbolic of business negotiation) was made to protect Biden's son and Biden's public image (Chiron, symbolizing family and reputation) from exposure just before the election? On that date, Joe Biden's natal Chiron square was involved in a Grand Cross formed by transiting Ceres, Sedna, Dionysus (the political asteroid), and sociable Vesta. Some of the videos and pictures that were circulated and purported to be from that laptop showed what many would consider immoral and illegal behavior ( Sedna).

meghan and harry magi astrology

On Octothe New York Post's article about the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop was deliberately censured by colluding social media giants. Sedna also represents wealth accumulated from taking advantage of the weaknesses of others.” Sedna represents ILL-GOTTEN gains, wealth stolen from others, profits made illegally or unethically, or at the expense of others. Sedna is ruler of economic and social disasters and upheavals, and moral decay. “ Sedna is symbolic of corruption, lies, and immorality of all kinds. When Joe Biden announced his run for the presidency in April 2020 the most notable difficult alignment was the T-square formed to his natal Sun and Chiron by slow moving Sedna. This allowed him to secure the election despite other challenging aspects. When Joe Biden announced his bid for the presidency on Aptransiting Chiron was trine his natal Pluto and Juno, creating a powerful Cinderella Grand Trine. Additionally, in 2015 transiting Neptune was creating another T-square with Biden’s natal Juno and Saturn. When Biden’s son Beau died after his lengthy battle with cancer transiting Saturn was applying to the natal Chiron square. When his wife and daughter died in a terrible vehicle crash transiting Juno was activating this natal Sun/Chiron square. In each of these tragic events Joe Biden's natal Sun/Chiron square was emphasized by the transit of a planet. Chiron is the planet of family ties as well as reputation. Joe Biden was born with the Sun conjunct Venus with both square Sappho and Chiron. In October 2020 Biden’s other son Hunter created a stir when the lurid contents of his personal laptop were revealed, and social media giants attempted to censor the information. In 2015 his son Beau died of a brain tumor after a lengthy illness. In 1972 his wife and daughter were killed in a freak car accident.

meghan and harry magi astrology

President Joe Biden has had many family tragedies in his life.

meghan and harry magi astrology

Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to HideĪ star first noticed by ancient Egyptians may finally be revealing its layers. Magi B est Days for money and career matters are December 1, 10, 29, 30ĭecemNew Moon Total Solar Eclipse 12.6 SAGĭecemFull Moon Sun 180 Moon 27.5 Gemini conjunct MIDAS, with Sun quincunx Sednaĭec. Magi Best Days = Best days for love and sex are December 1, 10, 11

Meghan and harry magi astrology