To show the Developer tab in the menu bar, first click on “File”: So I will start this guide by walking you through how to show the Developer tab in the menu bar. Unlike other tabs such as File, Home, Insert, Design, and so on, the Developer tab doesn’t appear in the menu bar by default.

To insert a checkbox in a softcopy document (like forms and surveys that you want respondents to fill out digitally within the Word document), you'll use the Developer tab in the menu bar. How to Insert a Checkbox in Softcopy Documents like Digital Forms and Surveys If you are using a different version, things may not be entirely the same, but you can still follow along. I will be using the Microsoft Word 2016 desktop app in this guide because it's my personal preference.

Then you can start using them in your forms, surveys, and lists. In this tutorial, I will show you how to insert an interactive checkbox in Microsoft Word for softcopy documents, and a non-interactive checkbox for hardcopy (printed) documents. And you might need to add a checkbox in these forms so your respondents can select certain options. In Microsoft Word, you can create digital forms, surveys, to-do lists, and printable forms.